Austria has reformed its written language nearly two decades ago, even mark twain complained, german language really being quite sophisticated. we weren't happy about the change, not being the smartest in the world why display it openly by simplification.didn't Aristotle anchored the dignity of a human in its complex language capacity; enlightened are those executing perfect grammar, the elect thinks. still, it didn't help the posterity to fluid expression but more, the language-capability brain gap now is growing proportionally to the mundane wealth gap unnoticedly. life is cheap the cheapest we get on earth, and naturally proven, the most elementary happily manages life. the animal world at a maximum brain-age of seven cognitive human-years, lives without regrets, without the pestering life span of morals but on opportunity, in some deficit to abstract; practice and training Aristotle mourns; still apprehending natural law, even prophesying, or what is this Auspicium a